Thursday, May 2, 2013

The Airing of Grievances, aka Debating the Town Budget

Yesterday, in describing this phenomenon in Town Meeting where we'll debate small amounts of money at length, and then pass an appropriation of millions at the drop of a hat, I failed to describe certain time honored traditions the body also engages in whenever the budget comes up.

It is time for the Announcing of Gratitude, the Airing of Grievances, and the Grinding of Axes.

I've adopted the shorthand term of GAG for all of this.

Last night was GAG Night.

GAG Night serves a purpose in Arlington.

It is about the only time people have an opportunity to talk formerly about any number of topics, both good and bad.

It can be incredibly frustrating from a procedural point of view, as these discussions are almost always not within the scope of the action in front of us.

No amendments or substitute motions have been submitted, so the only discussion that is technically allowable would be whether or not to pass the article.

As I mentioned yesterday, we will definitely be passing the budget.

An extra dose of frustration is experienced when some members fail to act in the spirit of the ceremony, and ask questions that really aren't of a public nature, that really don't fall within the categories of gratitude, grievance, or ax grinding.

This is not the time to inform the Department of Public Works about some pothole in front of your house.

The exceptions to this would be if DPW has been notified repeatedly and has failed to respond, if DPW has come out to repair said pothole numerous times and their methods are not getting the job done, if DPW created the damage in the first place, if in the process of repairing the pothole DPW backed a truck into your shrubbery, or if DPW has shown exemplary service in responding to concerns about potholes in your neighborhood.

Otherwise, give them a call, write an email, or grab the director during the break. Don't waste all of our time with it.

It is also frustrating when some members appear to have much more to grieve about than others.

When the same individuals have a bone to pick with each and every department in town, I start to wonder if they might be convinced to start a blog, where they can preach these topics to a more voluntary audience.

But again, GAG Night serves a purpose.

Like the annual holiday family gathering there are moments you dread, things you know are going to happen each and every year, and plenty of reasons to crave a stiff drink.

Yet each year you go back and willingly do it again.

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