Monday, May 21, 2012

Fall Out

That partial Leaf Blower ban passed by Town Meeting has a lot of people upset.

On tonight's Board of Selectmen's agenda is the topic of "Leaf Blowers: Ballot Question."

This has spurred me to send the following letter to members of the Board.

(Also for the record, I'd still vote no on this article if given the chance, for the reasons I've discussed previously.)

Subj: BOS Agenda, Ballot Question: Leaf Blowers

Dear (member name):

As a Town Meeting Member representing precinct 4, I voted against Article 25, the leaf blower ban, as I did not feel that proponents had adequately educated the public about the intent of and reasons for this action. However my vote was in the minority, and a partial ban was passed.

On your agenda for tonight is the topic "Ballot Question: Leaf Blowers." I don't know what will be discussed under this agenda item, but as stated I would guess that someone on the Board of Selectmen is going to suggest that Article 25 be placed on the ballot.

While I voted against Article 25, proponents made their case successfully, and received a majority vote at Town Meeting to enact this bylaw.

I am opposed to any attempt by another branch of our local government to supercede, discredit, or otherwise act in a way that indicates that the decision was not made legally, honestly, and in a manner in keeping with the form of government we observe here in Arlington.

I understand that many objections to Article 25 have been raised, some of which may prove to be quite legitmate.

If a strong enough case for adjustments to this bylaw are made, there are avenues to pursue remedies prior to the law going into effect.

If I understand the process correctly and amendments were offered to Article 25 during the next regular Town Meeting scheduled for 2013, then there would not be time for those amendments to be implemented for the Summer of 2013.

However there are procedures in place to call a Special Town Meeting, during which Town Meeting could consider any amendments deemed worthy.

In short, while I did not vote in favor of Article 25, I feel that the process was fair and conducted correctly.

It is not anyone's place to second-guess our governing process, whether we agree with the outcome or not.

Let the system do its job, as it has now for so long.


Wes Beal
68 Melrose Street
Town Meeting Member, Precinct 4

[edit: I was asked since posting this something along the lines of
"What about citizen's who choose to pursue a referendum? Are you saying it isn't their place to question Town Meeting?"
Good point; it is not my intention to suggest that. In the narrow confines of this letter, I was speaking to actions taken by elected branches of government, in this case the potential for the Board of Selectmen to take action to alter a conclusion reached by Town Meeting to a result more to their liking (if in fact that attempt is made tonight).]

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